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Movin On Up

19 Sep

In an attempt to keep up with the Joneses, I’ve moved!

Please visit…. You will need to resubscribe but it will be worth it!

we’ve moved

25 Jan

since i decided to switch to wordpress, i asked nate if i should copy my old blogger posts or just start over.  he said i should copy them, so that’s what those previous posts are about.

not sure how good i’ll be about the blogging part of this site, but i’m already excited about cataloging my recipes, a la katie!

victories – from 11 aug 2010

25 Jan

i taught an intro lesson to a man named bob the other day.  he’s 80 and lost his wife of 51 years a couple months ago.  he seemed to suggest that they had their differences, but what he said was that they had a great life.  they did, however, have to work hard for it.  i said that not everybody does work hard for that.  he said that was a tragedy, because great marriages aren’t made in the good times, they are made in the fights and the victories.  i’ve never heard it said that way, but it makes total sense.  we all know i’ve had enough fights with nate, and the victories of those fights led us to marriage.  here’s to the victories!

budget, budget, budget – from 09 aug 2010

25 Jan

looking for ways to trim the budget these days.  i think creativity is key, as we don’t have a really extravagant lifestyle, and yet i’d rather not sacrifice my social life or all my creature comforts to save a buck.  i’m looking for inspiration from my recent interest in the middle part of the 20th century.  i like the trend to return to things that are local, but i’m not sure that necessarily saves me any cash.  taking suggestions!

revenue streams – from 07 aug 2010

25 Jan

someone told me that you should have 7 revenue streams for your household.  we have investments, so i think that counts.  we each have jobs, so there’s 2 more.  and today we cleaned out a bunch of junk from the garage and were rewarded with well over $100!  stream #4!  only 3 to go…

in the beginning – from 06 aug 2010

25 Jan

well, we’re a little over a month in, and while i like the idea of being “a wife” as much as i thought i would, i’m not quite sure what to do about it. interestingly (to me), one of the things i feel stands firmly between “me” and “wife” is my work schedule. in my spare time, i’ll be a housewife. check my flavors section for creations that are as close as i get to recipes. mostly notes so that i can remember them for future reference.